【讲座报告】奥克兰大学Xinwei Wang学术报告通知


讲座主题 Increasing the Persuasiveness of Location-based Marketing: the Effect of Self-construal on Redemption Decision

主讲人Xinwei Wang博士

邀请人闵庆飞  教授

讲座地点 经济管理学院D212



Marketing through the mobile channel has become increasingly attractive to marketers and merchants. One particular prominent mobile marketing tactic is location-based advertising that leverages on the availability of consumers’ real time location data. However, there has been a lack of individual-level research that focuses on how to design targeted and personalized advertising that mobilize consumers’ redemption behaviour. This research addresses this gap and demonstrates that the effectiveness of location-based marketing communication depends on the interplay between consumers’ real time distance from the advertised merchant and whether they have an interdependent or independent self-construal. Across four experimental studies, we obtain solid evidence showing that interdependent self-construal increases redemption intention when the consumer is close to the merchant.


Wang Xinwei is a Lecturer at the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, Business School, University of Auckland. She obtained her Bachelor in Engineering from School of Management at Dalian University of Technology and Master and PhD in Information Systems from the National University of Singapore. Her research interests include human cognition and behavior in complex digital media environments, individual and organizational innovation with IT and IS, and IT human capital management. Her research has been published in journals such as Information & Management, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, the Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Journal of Global Information Management, and Journal of Electronic Commerce Research as well as major international conferences on Information Systems such as ICIS, ECIS, PACIS, AMCIS, etc.

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